Mike Ferguson
Club Captain
Recreational Boating
On water events are open to all kinds of boats, power or yacht, large or small. Events include:
- Cruising in Company trips throughout the year (both around the Bay and outside)
- A Summer Raft Up and Picnic in January
- An annual Fishing Competition
- Navigation Rallies (SYC Cup and Whalley Cup)
We run the following off water activities each year:
- Regular Guest Speaker evenings throughout the year – Covering a variety of interesting and informative topics, normally related to Recreational Boating activities.
- A Christmas Party in December
- An annual Presentation Breakfast in July
A comprehensive Calendar of these events is provided on the Club website. Additionally, more detail regarding each event area can be found via the selection icons at the top of this webpage.
We also run education briefings & events on topics related to on water activities at different times of the year and these ‘one off’ events are advised via the Club ENews emails and the club website.
All activities organised by the Recreational Boating Committee are for members and their friends. The aim of these events is to encourage participation, to share interesting and educational boating information as well as giving Club members more opportunities to meet other members and use the facilities of the Club.
The Recreational Boating Committee advocates that all member’s fly the Club Burgee when out on the water and at events. This is to makes us easily identifiable to other members and is a great catalyst to introductions between members, particularly when away from the Club.
You will find the members of the Recreational Boating Committee around the club most weekends and please do feel free to approach them to discuss events and provide suggestions for new or varied activities.
Safe Boating always.
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