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Our On-site Tenants & Registered Contractors consists of yacht and motor boat brokers, chandlery along with a workshop, boat repairs and additional concessions for rigging and a motor mechanic and enjoy many ways to promote their business to our lucrative membership database, click here to find out more…

Are you looking at registering as a casual or annual contractor at SYC?  Click here to find out how you can become inducted at SYC…

SYC has three types of registration available. Any stakeholder (Member, non-member, business of any description) providing goods or services, or generating an income from marine related business activities in the SYC yard or marina, is required to have Contractor Status.

Annual Contractor 

Contractors requiring regular access to the boatyard or marina may register for ‘Annual Contractor Status’. The contractor may utilise the marina and yard to carry on relevant business activities and will incur the appropriate fees as outlined in FEE SCHEDULE 5 – CONTRACTOR FEES (within the SYC By-Laws).

Casual Contractor 

Contractors requiring infrequent or occasional access to the yard or marina may register for ‘Casual Contractor Status’ on the specific days of usage. The contractor may utilise the yard and marina to carry on relevant business activities and will incur the appropriate fees as outlined in FEE SCHEDULE 5 – CONTRACTOR FEES (within the SYC By-Laws).


Contractors who rent a tenancy from the Club have a lease arrangement inclusive of contractor status. All direct employees of the tenant are granted contractor status endorsed conditionally pertaining to the Contractor policy.

Upon entering the Sandringham Yacht Club you will drive past our ‘Concessions Building’.

The following tenants reside within the Concessions Building;


Lot C1: R Marine Jacksons Pty Ltd

Lot C2: Sundance Marine

Lot C3: Sundance Chandlery & Service Centre

Lot C4: Ropeable Ropes & Splicing

Lot C5: Sandringham Marine (Aust)

Lot C6: Offshore Marine Electronics

Lot C7: GO RV Marine

Lot C7: J P M Shipwrights Pty Ltd

Lot C8: Procraft Marine Pty

Lot C9: Sandringham Rigging

S1: Ralph White

S2: Sandringham Marine

S4: The Boat Clinic

S5: Robstan

S6: Coastline Marine

S7: Miller Marine


All tenants at SYC have contractor status and all provide a mixture of onsite services – please visit their respective businesses.

Whilst there are no current tenancies available for lease, any queries re future availability should be directed to the Clubs CEO Richard Hewett [email protected]

If you have queries regarding the nature of the above tenants services it is best to contact them direct. Additionally please feel free to contact our staff below;


All queries should be directed to the:


Boat Yard Manager
Reece Fuller
Tel: (03) 9599 0109
Mobile: 0472 683 682
Email: [email protected]

Waterfront Administrator
Karen Crowley
Tel: (03) 9599 0901
Email: [email protected]