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SYC Centenary Year Book


The SYC Centenary Year Book, “Under Full Sail, Sandringham Yacht Club 1911–2011” was launched Monday 17 September 2012.

The book records the Club’s remarkable journey, the vision and inspiration of its leaders and the enthusiasm, hard work and competitive spirit of its members. It also records the Club’s close association with the broader community and the extent to which it has been supported by the community.

All Senior members have been allocated a book and additional copies for all members are available for purchase from the Guest Relations desk, please phone 03 9599 0999 for full details.


Nick Mountstephen began his career as a journalist with the Age, then the Sydney Morning Herald, the Herald Sun and the Sunday Press before joining the news team at the ABC, covering both radio and television. He then joined the Australian Information Service in Canberra and was posted to Tokyo as First Secretary (Information) followed by Counsellor (Media/Marketing) with Austrade. Following AIS Nick worked as a consultant to Japanese media, which led to his involvement in Vietnam,  here he established the first English-language newspaper since the Vietnam War as well as the fi rst international school in Ho Chi Minh City. Both projects were unique and extremely successful.

The publication of Under Full Sail: Sandringham Yacht Club 1911–2011 was coordinated by an editorial committee comprising life member and past commodore Kevin Wood (as chairperson), life member and club historian Graeme Disney, life member Graeme Watt and club treasurer David Lynch. The committee arranged and  supervised the research, writing, photograph selection, editing, publication and printing of the book.