SYC Plan for the Future 2023 – 2028
SYC has a strategic plan, aptly titled ‘Plan for the Future’. In 2022 we got significant member input into the plan and we thank the 600 members who took the time to give us their input – for that reason, it is very much a members’ plan.
The new plan was ratified by General Committee. Importantly, our plan aligns itself with another very important Club planning document – SAMP. This stands for SYC Asset and Maintenance Plan. This particular plan sets out all our asset and maintenance planning over the next five years. The plan for the future similarly takes a five year view, but many of the actions and outcomes will benefit this Club for generations. You should also know that our financial modelling adopts a five year outlook as well. The end result is we have a five year plan, which aligns with a five year facility plan which aligns with our five year financial model. All our key planning and modelling is in sync.
The plan is in a new, easier to read format with clear key targets set for the next five years. Our vision is to be the best yacht club in Australia. We want to be the best club we can be for you, the members. We have also embraced safety as a big theme within the plan and it is evident in the wording of our vision and mission statement.
The plan has 6 key pillars:
- On Water
- Membership
- Facilities
- Community & Environment
- Governance, Risk & Finance
- Communications
Each of the pillars has clear goals and actions and our aim is to achieve them all within the next five years. Importantly, they all centre around our focus to address the members’ needs.
The plan for the future gives us our direction and bearings and provides a platform for committees and SYC management to implement and review the plan, supported with the necessary capital and operational provisions. We also take the view that it is a living document that will be flexible and evolve with the needs of our members.
We hope you enjoy the read.
Richard Hewett
Chief Executive