Online Membership Application Please note you will need the following to complete the online application; Details of your proposer and seconder including their names, phone numbers and email addresses. Your Membership needs to be proposed and seconded by two SYC Members – and they need to have been a Full, Associate or Intermediate Member of at least 12 months standing Please note if you don’t have a proposer / seconder, you will need to supply a character reference from another club and or your employer (or accountant if self-employed) Please choose the Membership you are applying for * FamilyFullAssociateIntermediateCrewCountryYouth Are you 18+ years old? * Yes No Title * MrMrsMissMsDoctor Given Name: * Surname: * Date of Birth: * Associate Title * MrMrsMissMs Associate Given Name: * Associate Surname: * Associate Date of Birth: * Associate Phone Number * Associate E-mail address * Associate Occupation * Child 1 Title * MasterMiss Child 1 Given Name: * Child 1 Surname: * Child 1 Date of Birth: * Child 2 Title MasterMiss Child 2 Given Name: Child 2 Surname: Child 2 Date of Birth: Child 3 Title MasterMiss Child 3 Given Name: Child 3 Surname: Child 3 Date of Birth: As you have chosen Associate, please provide the name of the Full Member * Postal Address * City * State * Australian Capital Territory (ACT)Northern TerritoryNew South WalesQueenslandSouth AustraliaTasmaniaVictoria Western Australia Zip/Postal * Residential address same as above (if PO Box a residential address must be entered) Yes No Address * City * State * Australian Capital Territory (ACT)Northern TerritoryNew South WalesQueenslandSouth AustraliaTasmaniaVictoria Western Australia Zip/Postal * Occupation * Company * Phone Number * E-mail address * Parent Email Address: * Next of Kin Name * Next of Kin Mobile * Have you previously been a Member of SYC? * YesNo Have you previously been a member of another yacht club? * Yes No Did you leave that club on good terms? * Reason for Resigning * What are your main areas of interest in SYC? * Recreational boating activities Keelboat racing Dinghy sailing Boat Storage - Marina Launch ramp access for my boat Race Management Volunteering Social activities Getting my family involved Which Keelboat racing days would you be interested in? * Wednesday Wonders (weekly racing from 1.30pm) Thursday Twilight (weekly racing from 6pm (daylight savings only)) Saturday Sailing (varying times, normally racing from 2pm weekly) Sunday Sailors (racing from 9.30am fortnightly) One Design Racing (J24's racing from 10am on Sundays fortnightly) Women in Sailing (variety of opportunities) Do you have a proposer and seconder? * YesNo Your Membership needs to be proposed and seconded by two SYC Members – and they need to have been a Full, Associate or Intermediate Member of at least 12 months standing Proposer Full Name: * Email Address: * Mobile: Seconder Full Name: * Email Address: * Mobile: Your application will be copied to your proposer and seconder automatically and they will be asked to support your application (we will assume you have notified them). Please upload either a character reference from another club and or your employer (or accountant if self-employed. You only need to upload one of these documents. Upload a character reference from another club, your employer or accountant * Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum file size: 52.43MB Please briefly explain why you are applying for Youth membership * * I hereby apply for membership of the Sandringham Yacht Club Inc. which includes an annual commitment (minimum period of 12 months). If accepted I agree to be governed by the Club’s rules and declare that all information provided is true. The SYC Membership offer comprises automatic rollover of my membership noting when this happens I will be given the opportunity to opt out Captcha If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit