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Online Membership Application

Online Membership Application

Please note you will need the following to complete the online application;

Details of your proposer and seconder including their names, phone numbers and email addresses.  Your Membership needs to be proposed and seconded by two SYC Members – and they need to have been a Full, Associate or Intermediate Member of at least 12 months standing

Please note if you don’t have a proposer / seconder, you will need to supply a character reference from another club and or your employer (or accountant if self-employed)


Are you 18+ years old?
Residential address same as above (if PO Box a residential address must be entered)
Have you previously been a member of another yacht club?
Which Keelboat racing days would you be interested in?

Your Membership needs to be proposed and seconded by two SYC Members – and they need to have been a Full, Associate or Intermediate Member of at least 12 months standing

Your application will be copied to your proposer and seconder automatically and they will be asked to support your application (we will assume you have notified them).

Please upload either a character reference from another club and or your employer (or accountant if self-employed. You only need to upload one of these documents.

Maximum file size: 52.43MB