Saturday, 15th July 2017
Recreational Boating had another great turnout for this year’s annual Presentation Breakfast with 105 guests registered. The Committee tweaked the room with colourful well-decorated tables and Recreational Boating provided the Éclair croissants as an addition to the breakfast charge.
Michael Kostos (Club Captain) greeted all the guests, and introduced our special guests attending being Rob Davis (SYC Commodore), Garry Anderson (SYC Rear Commodore), Kate Mitchell (Immediate) Past SYC Commodore and former Commodore Steve Richards.
Rob Davis addressed the room with a very positive introduction speech for recreational boaters.
This year we ran another quiz which was composed by SYC member Ross Cunningham, who also carried out the role of quiz master. Ross was an informative and humorous presenter with the winning table awarded two bottles of wine and a collection of novelty chocolates.
We also ran our annual SYC Breakfast raffle with first prize being donated by fellow SYC member Linda Blandford who donated two nights’ accommodation for 12 people in four rooms at Rosedale House in Mansfield. This wonderful prize was won by Carolyn Strong. I’m sure Carolyn and the lucky guests she takes will have a great weekend.
Second prize donated by Procaffe was a coffee machine complete with cups and coffee won by Robyn Brooke.
Other prizes were Harbour View Restaurant vouchers (3 X $80.00 each), Palace Cinemas donated a double pass and kindly Tommy Raft once again donated an abundance of fruit and veggie packages. Also all the table fruit bowls were filled with his delicious produce.
Tommy Raft was presented with an elegant platter engraved by the Club, a special bottle of Scotch and a selection of premium chocolates to acknowledge his continuous support to Recreational Boating at SYC.
Two fun gifts were also given to the YOUNGEST member in attendance Amy Liddiatt and the ELDEST being Robert Lane who both agreed their age was a bonus that morning!
The Recreational Boating Club Person of the Year was awarded to David McCutcheon for his support to Recreational Boating and for winning the SYC NavRally Cup back to the Club after 18 years in the hands of Royal Vic Motor Yacht Club. This award certainly took David by surprise and it was very much a privilege to be able to present this award to a very well-liked and respected Club member.
Again, we must thank the Recreational Boating Committee who throughout the year enable all of these events to happen and continually make every event a special one with much hard work and dedication.
It was wonderful to see so many smiling faces with lots of laughter within the room – once again another successful annual SYC Recreational Boating Presentation Breakfast and we look forward to next year!!!