Friday, 22nd September 2023
Heritage Committee Update – September 2023
The Heritage Committee have been busy over the winter months progressing a number of projects around our club. You will notice one of the display cabinets in the entrance foyer has been updated with an array of navigation equipment from another time – including a Walker Log donated by Gary Wilson, who was a member of SYC from 1978 until his passing earlier this year. A number of the Past Commodores photographs have been restored; you can see these in the Commodores Room, and watch out for some new Past Commodore Video interviews to be released over the next month or so.
We know that many of you have many digital photos of SYC boats and events which may be stored on an array of devices. As well as our ongoing archive of older photographs, the Heritage Committee is establishing an archive of digital photographs which will be valuable as we continue to capture our more recent history. We are grateful that Chris Furey has agreed to curate this archive on the club server.
We invite members to contribute to this archive by placing digital photographs on a USB and in folders as outlined below
- photographs of individual boats should be placed in folders named as follows: Boat name and year of photograph (if known) eg Wicked2022
- photographs of SYC events and regattas should be placed in folders names as follows: Regatta/event name and year eg SailSandy2022, WednesdayWonders2023
Please then place the USB in an envelope, include the following information on the front of the envelope and leave at the SYC Reception
- Attention Chris Furey
- Digital Photographs for Archive
- Your name (so we can return your USB and acknowledge your contribution)