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I will stand by to assist you (C – G – 1)

Friday, 1st May 2020

As the world has come to terms with the shutdown associated with the COVID-19 pandemic people have been looking at ideas to keep in touch and support each other.

Visual signalling is a maritime and sailing tradition and the San Francisco Yacht Club (Belvedere, CA), Staff Commodore Jim Robinson has been looking at ideas that Yacht Clubs across America and around the World could use to create a sense of camaraderie and a way to communicate with each other and their members so that they know the Yacht Club would be there when their Members are able to return to sailing.

With confirmation from the San Francisco National Maritime Museum, Staff Commodore Robinson established that the correct signals to display the message I WILL STAND BY TO ASSIST YOU are the C – G – 1 flags.

SYC shares the sentiments of the San Francisco Yacht Club and we are now flying the signals from our flagstaff as pictured.

Read up on the origins of this great initiative as reported on scuttlebutt by clicking here.