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2019 Spring Series

Hosted By Sandringham Yacht Club

Race 3   (27/10/2019)  PROVISIONAL RESULTS

Updated:  30/10/2019  2:04:33 PM

29er OD results Start : 14:32
Place Sail No Boat Name Skipper CREW Class Fin Tim Elapsd Score
1 AUS2066 DOUBLE TROUBLE Josh Griffith Dan Griffith 29er 15:22:44 50:44 1.0

CadetInternational OD results Start : 14:37
Place Sail No Boat Name Skipper CREW Class Fin Tim Elapsd Score
1 9926 BULLET Thomas Johnston Piper Duell CadetInternational 15:21:40 44:40 1.0
2 9932 PELORUS JACK Daniel Conacher Liam Richardson CadetInternational 15:21:56 44:56 2.0
3 9780 SWISH Jake Newman Will Bennett CadetInternational 15:23:27 46:27 3.0
4 9526 HYPER HYPER Lillyanne Johnston Kylan Thompson CadetInternational 15:23:32 46:32 4.0
5 9825 TSUNAMI Emma Suda Sienna Dillonshallar CadetInternational 15:25:33 48:33 5.0
6 9822 SPITFIRE Mischa Suda Lily Williams CadetInternational 15:26:06 49:06 6.0
7 5700 SIDEWINDER Felix Duell Max Dillonshallard CadetInternational 15:27:35 50:35 7.0
8 9922 WHIP IT REAL GOOD Angelica Woodroffe Tayla Newman CadetInternational 15:28:28 51:28 8.0
9 9529 INSAYNE Aaron George Nick Richardson CadetInternational 15:28:33 51:33 9.0
10 9620 BLITZEM Kyle Hearne Aidan Hearne CadetInternational 15:51:44 01:14:44 10.0

Laser4.7 OD results Start : 14:32
Place Sail No Boat Name Skipper CREW Class Fin Tim Elapsd Score
1 212885 STORMIN NORMAN Oskar Meinke Laser4.7 15:34:48 01:02:48 1.0

LaserRadial OD results Start : 14:32
Place Sail No Boat Name Skipper CREW Class Fin Tim Elapsd Score
1 180195 YEET Damon Cook LaserRadial 15:29:45 57:45 1.0
2 192296 OLSKOOL Armando Distefano LaserRadial 15:30:31 58:31 2.0
3 202652 BT62 Phillip George LaserRadial 15:30:42 58:42 3.0
4 206014 LAZAR BEAM Riley Page LaserRadial 15:32:09 01:00:09 4.0

MustoSkiff OD results Start : 14:32
Place Sail No Boat Name Skipper CREW Class Fin Tim Elapsd Score
1 AUS565 THE MISTRESS Robin Dayes MustoSkiff 15:14:18 42:18 1.0

Optimist OD results Start : 14:37
Place Sail No Boat Name Skipper CREW Class Fin Tim Elapsd Score
1 AUS1752 HAPPY TIMES Lottie Griffith Optimist 15:32:35 55:35 1.0
2 AUS1708 ZIGZAG Scarlett Zerbe Optimist 15:33:11 56:11 2.0

Tasar OD results Start : 14:32
Place Sail No Boat Name Skipper CREW Class Fin Tim Elapsd Score
1 2823 GOES TO 11 Philip Potter Tasar 15:20:06 48:06 1.0
2 AUS2954 INDECISIVE James Sly Ella Disney Tasar 15:21:05 49:05 2.0
3 2871 RIDGIDIDGE Paul Ridgway Tasar 15:21:26 49:26 3.0
4 2772 WELL HEELED Rob Gilpin Kellie Cartlledge Tasar 15:21:44 49:44 4.0
5 2970 PIEWACKET Tim Watkinson Deb Page Tasar 15:25:17 53:17 5.0

Windsurfer1DesignLt OD results Start : 14:32
Place Sail No Boat Name Skipper CREW Class Fin Tim Elapsd Score
1 378 WALLY Justin Page Windsurfer1DesignLt 15:30:06 58:06 1.0

Results by : TopYacht

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